OPENPILOT! Open pilot is a great OPEN SOURCE project enabling many cars to achieve level 2 autonomous driving! check their official website I love it!
![]() Other parts including FMCS radar /CANBUS-USB logger are also available for sale. 20200604 I added a temperature sensor (to measure the back metal cover of the phone) on my Chihuahua EON. You can see even with a hat to prevent it from sunlight, the temperature raised to >66 oC during daytime! Meanwhile, my current location of EON actually is cooler, if you install the EON at the location suggested by Comma Ai in the middle of the windshield it will be even hotter! Although my chiahuahua EON is already batteryless, the phone itself is still made by a consumer-grade electronics not for such hot environment. So stay it cool if you want it be long life. Don't forget to keep your PANDA cool as well, a small fan & hat maybe good to keep it temperature lower. (Left: my current EON's location; Middle & Right: the location suggested by Comma ai) 20200404 found an aftermarket Blind Sport Monitor (24 GHz radar) for 80 USD! (without counting labor cost, all DIY-able!) Looking for integrating the signals of this aftermarket BSM into openpilot, to enable ALC safely! The locations of the BSM radars are inside the rear bumper. It is easy to remove the Toyota's bumper without using any special tool. 20200402 More Chihuahua batteryless frEON pictures Finally, I can use a standard USB type C cable from PANDA to EON's USB port, no need to modify the USB cable again. Now the battery's module 4.2v is supplied from 12V, which is from Giraffe's 12V DC port (from the connector of LKAS camera). 12v to 4.2v converters can be found here. Comma power is not needed in 0.6.4 on my Prius 2017. But EON's is off instantly once the car is off without comma power, so I preferred to turn off all flash writing to prevent corrupted flash memory / file system under brown-out voltage. Been tested for more than 2000 km trip test in 1 month, seems good until now. ![]() Batteryless EON ver2 20200308 A new homemade batteryless EON running openpilot under testing powered by 12v from car. This new design is feature by only use 12v from car to power EON and 12v cooling , no need supercapacitor if you constantly powered by Comma Power. Yes, the function is almost the same to Comma2. Still under testing. 20200228 Please aware that there is still NO RELIABLE WAY to detect a stationary car currently, including stock car's RF/FMCW Radar and openpilot's Vision Radar. Never let openpilot control your car without paying attention to the front road! It already happened that many cars (inlcuding Telsa & car with Openpilot) crashed into a stopped while the autonomous driving engaged. Be responsible! Why FMCW radar cannot detect stationary object reliably? Because these fixed objects will be considered as walls, light poles and been removed from the data, only moving object can be detected (as cars) easily. Check this video 20200228 Best Comma AI / Openpilot Introduction videos OpenPilot vs Toyota TSS 2.0: How big is the difference? 20191227 An alternative location to install EON / not to obstacle the driver's visual field SUPER CAPACITOR (SUPERCAP) frEON / Battery-less frEON ** if you are using frEON v2 NEVER connect the USB into a QC charger which outputs 9V might damage the system! ** use only a 5V/2A usb charger, not 1A. What is a SuperCAP frEON ? While stock EON contains battery inside, it is dangerous to leave EON in cabin during sunny day. Nevertheless, people often forget to bring EON home and caused battery explode. Meanwhile, the internal battery suffered lifetime issue under hot environment and need to be replace eventually. Therefore, I modified my device by remove the internal battery and replace it with a super capacitor. I use a 5.5v 30F Supercap with comma power works just like a battery-powered EON perfectly. Since only a small portion of energy in supercap (in voltage range from 3.6v to 4.2v) can be used by the phone, the 60F supercap can power on the phone for running about 100 seconds. Therefore, you need to use comma power to supply power to the phone constantly from the OBD port. Otherwise it can work as a stock EON and users never feel difference. After this modification, you can just leave the device in the hot cabin as other device like navigators or dashcams. Meanwhile, you can expect never need to replace battery as the battery life cycle issue, the supercap theoretically can last FOREVER. these videos/blog shows how to disassemble the le pro 3 The internal battery control board The supercap in the back of the device, mounted on the my quick mount The front view of supercap EON (you almost cannot see the supercap as it is mounted on the back of the device). It is worth to mention my supercap version is much better in heat dissertation than stock one, because the internal battery was removed so no more heat generated from the battery. Also the heat from the CPU were transfer to the metal back cover of the device using graphene paper, therefore the CPU temperate can be cool down much effectively. * 20191020 Ver2 SuperCAP frEON Without using COMMA POWER the SuperCAP EON need to boot up that takes a minute. You can see the LED display showing the capacitor's voltage increasing quickly after car started. Road test * 20191020 New 3D print sleek SuperCap EON mount This new sleek SuperCap EON mount is designed for the goal of 1.simple & low cost in print 2. robust 3. good heat dissipation. A 8cm fan is use to cool down the phone. This design is out perform than stock EON without using heatsink and with lower fan noise (as I have a bigger fan at lower RPM) The STL file is here (version 4) and here (version 5, for smaller gopro mount ), suggest to print in PETG & Nylon (for hot temperature resistance) This is only for Le Pro3, not for Oneplus 3T. =================== ![]() The thermal image also shows the heat of CPU generated during openpilot working on highway (noted that this picture was taken while car speed at 92 kph, therefore CPU is full run. Test in idea state will be not fair as the CPU utilization is low). 7cm USB fan (left) and 8 cm USB fan (right). 8 cm version draw about 80ma 5.5v (Delta AFB0805H) can cool down the phone much better than 7 cm version. However 8 cm is a little bit noisy at the same level of stock EON 's fan, 31 dB in spec. 7 cm version is quieter and almost not able to noticeable, even in a engine-off/stop Prius's cabin. Fan speed controller can be used to adjust speed for an acceptable noise level. fan speed controller I also add a foil bubble wrap hat to keep PANDA from direct sunlight, as well as a small fan to cool down the hot PANDA. CUSTOM MADE QUICK MOUNT / SLICK MOUNT * My new design quick mount. You can bring it home to upload data just like take a ordinal phone but not a bulky EON/NEO. This is modified from a GoPro mount + plastic phone case. A fan powered by the USB from PANDA is integrated to cool down the phone EON'S CAMERA EXTENSION This flex cable is just fit to the camera module IMX298 on the LEX720/727 LePro3 device, but seems only when the cable is short at 10cm. But way do this camera extension? Because EON is still too big and obstacle the view from drivers. A project CHI (吉 chihuahua) was proposed to make a minimized version of EON (no display, no battery) so maybe the EON can be invisible from driver's view. Yet in progress. Check more the unofficial hardware forum in COMMA AI's discord. Retrofit your old car into LKA-enable How to install OpenPilot on an OP3T or LeEco Le Pro3 phone How to open LKA camera case & install Giraffe ( - Giraffe Unboxing and Installation, by Mister Koll) record data rm -rf /storage/self/primary/realdata/* 3D Print case/mount for openpilot (SLA+Nylon is great!) My SuperCap EON quick mount STL (LePro3) file is here Magnetic mount for OP3T for quick and easy removal from your vehicle. - Tundergit/mag-mount-fast Screw-less Eon Gold Case for Leeco Le Pro 3 by Kiril_Lange Jul 7, 2019 Screw-less Eon Case for Oneplus 3T by Kiril_Lange Jul 7, 2019 Some of my custom cases for Eon (OnePlus 3t) Chase Higgins and Chase Higgins Forks/Branch Installing a Fork of Openpilot with Workbench Manual Instructions to flash back to v9 NEOS for downgrading back to 0.5.xx: SSH SSH to the EON on Android --> JuiceSSH Save the following text into a file with extension 'pem' as private key for used by JuiceSSH to login your EON TMUX " tmux a" ,then ` [ to scroll, Control c to get out of the scroll Fork Here are the top favorited 10 openpilot repos: - arne182/openpilot [15] - kegman/openpilot [10] - adhintz/openpilot [7] - wocsor/openpilot [6] - Gernby/openpilot [5] - boggyver/openpilot [3] - jeankalud/openpilot [3] - commaai/openpilot [2] - sippiecup/openpilot [2] - emmertex/openpilot [2] Understanding openpilot: CAMERA_OFFSET (lane centering) Create fingerprint for new car Decoding the driving model Remount the file system for modifying data/program on it mount -o rw,remount /systemComma Pedal connectors for Toyota Comma Pedal seller 2014 Prius C fingerprint fingerprint 32: 4, 36: 8, 37: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 452: 8, 548: 8, 560: 7, 581: 5, 583: 5, 608: 8, 676: 5, 800: 8, 851: 2, 865: 4, 896: 8, 897: 8, 898: 8, 899: 8, 906: 5, 907: 7, 916: 2, 921: 7, 923: 5, 928: 8, 929: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 53: 3, 955: 4, 956: 8, 979: 2, 1017: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1088: 8, 1090: 8, 1101: 8, 1116: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 199: 8, 1217: 8, 1219: 8, 1222: 8, 1224: 8, 1244: 8, 1245: 8, 1552: 8,1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1558: 8, 1560: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1564: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1574: 8, 1584: 8, 1586: 8, 1587: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1596: 8, 1597: 8, 1664: 8, 1728: 8, 1761: 8, 1762: 8 number of messages 90: 2019 ALTIS fingerprint (Taiwanese corolla) CAR.COROLLA_TSS2: [# hatch 2019+ and sedan 2020+ { # 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PuTTY-User-Key-File-2: ssh-rsaEncryption: noneComment: imported-openssh-keyPublic-Lines: 6AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC+iXXq30Tq+J5NKat3KWHCzcmwZ55nGh6WggAqECa5CasBlM9VeROpVu3beA+5h0MibRgbD4DMtVXBt6gEvZ8nd04E7eLA9LTZyFDZ7SkSOVj4oXOQsT0GnJmKrASW5KslTWqVzTfo2XCtZ+004ikLxmyFeBO8NOcErW1pa8gFdQDToH9FrA7kgysic/XVESTOoe7XlzRoe/eZacEQ+jtnmFd21A4aEADkk00Ahjr0uKaJiLUAPatxs2icIXWpgYtfqqtaKF23wSt61OTu6cAwXbOWr3m+IUSRUO0IRzEIQS3z1jfd1svgzSgSSwZ1Lhj4AoKxIEAIc8qJrO4uymCJPrivate-Lines: 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Private-MAC: 2af7f5a599fa35e22392b7770a2eb7a0be8718b7 Update the EON into the latest devel version. cd /data && rm -rf openpilot* && git clone && cd openpilot && git checkout devel && reboot ssh root@ -p 8022 -i "C:\Users\xx\.ssh\openpilot_rsa" SOUNDPROOFING 2016/17 PRIUS PRIUS 50 隔音的資料 輪胎噪音 吵 プリウスをロードノイズ防音対策・ 【50系 プリウス】タイヤハウス ロードノイズ対策 【50系 プリウス PHV】タイヤハウス ロードノイズ対策 【50系 プリウス PHV】タイヤハウス ロードノイズ対策 トヨタ プリウス♪ 車内を静かに車内静音プラン施工♪ 驚きの静かさ♪ ありがとうございました♪ Prius 2016 4th Generation: How to remove door panel How to remove door panel on Toyota Prius 16 17 18 Speaker Mirror latch handle DIY Find toyota parts price with part number prius 4 sound proofing / deadening 這車根本沒有隔音 開高速公路吵死人了 隔音後箱後就改善非常多 |