** Tested on Windows 10 / 7 PC only ** latest updated at Feb 18, 2020 download the following file and extract to a folder, i.e., c:\x720 get the TWRP recovery & fastboot kit for X720 here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cD_7qPN41xjMZBx534ELcg_Pekj5xE_x/view?usp=sharing change to the folder, i.e., cd c:\x720\platform-tools Now, power off the x720 phone. Press the [volume down] button (keep pressed down, do not release) and connect the phone USB to your Windows PC. Now PC should detects a 'fastboot' device. Run the batch file in this directory 'frec.bat' to flash TWRP recovery to the phone. ==================================== How to restore a TWRP openpilot backup by copying the file from PC to the phone with TWRP recovery? ** get a TWRP recovery backup of DragonPilot 0.6.4 english version (a fork of openpilot) here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mwkh21MtEzQK-sOYQ7Vxb3ig1WgIyf0LC/view?usp=sharing Turn off the phone. Power on the phone with [volume up] pressed to enter TWRP recovery. Connect phone's USB to the PC. Now your PC should able to detect a X722 device as an external USB storage. Create a folder called TWRP and copy the openpilot/dragonpilot backup files into the phone. ** Restore TWRP backup to the phone , please refer to this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi3wnje6Sns&t=22s Now, use the TWRP recovery's menu on the phone, select [restore] button, and select the copied backup to restore the backup. It takes a while, like 5 minutes. After the files are copied, use 'advanced feature' on the menu to wipe the two cache partitions. Select [reboot] to reboot the phone into openpilot/dragonpilot. You can expect to boot the phone within one minute. ======================================= |
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