After installed the Chinese ADAS, my car shows an error message "CHECK ENTER AND START SYSTEM" while turn off the engine.
Read out the DTC with Techstream, DTC code is B2282 indicating the speed output by the skid ECU and CANBUS are inconsistent. The speed signal is input from the pin 8 of I18 (cluster or combination meter / instrument), and amplify then output to pin 9 of I18 to other devices, like radio. I measure the pin 8 of I18 and pin 9 of I18 with oscilloscope, pin 8 outputs rectangular waveform in 0~12v while the wheel is rotating, but pin 9 almost output no signals or very small waveform in 0.5v~1v. This indicates the amplification is malfunction.
I opened the cluster and found a broken resistor as shown in the following figure, R10 is broken and hard to know what its resistance is. Its number is 1?0 and guess should be 100 (10 ohm). Moreover, I check the T2/D55 2SD780A is not working, so it is replaced with a D54 which I just have currently.
The following picture shows the repaired PCB.
The circuit diagram of the cluster is shown in the following, indicating the input pin 8 of the cluster and output to pin 9 with amplify by a transistor.
After the resistor and the transistor are replaced, the pin 9 outputs 0~12v waveform as the wheel rotating. And the error message is gone without manually clear the DTC B2282 with Techstream.
Wish this information may help you to deal with this problem without buying a new cluster.