李皇辰 教授 中正大學通訊工程學系 國立清華大學資訊工程博士2006~2010 Prof. Warren Huang-Chen Lee, Department of Communications Engineering, National Chung-Cheng University Ph.D. in Computer Science, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, 2006~2010 Academic Experience:
Publiciations (conference/journal) Researchinterests:
Short Biography: Huang-Chen Lee received the Ph.D. degree from the National Tsing-Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, in 2010. He has worked in the industry since 2000 and has a wide breadth of experience in designing personal digital assistant/cellular phones and low-power embedded systems. Dr. Lee joined the Department of Communications Engineering and Electrical Engineering at National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan in 2011, and promoted to professor since Aug 2021. He had been elevated to IEEE senior member since 2012. Dr. Lee has been Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement in 2015, also Associate Editor of the IEEE Sensors Journal in 2017. Dr. Lee has a strong track record of collaborating with industry partners for transfer technologies from the academic research projects. His research topics are mainly related to wireless sensor, mesh networking, the internet of thing (IoT) and low-power embedded system.He received award for Outstanding Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions onInstrumentation and Measurement from 2017 to 2020, four years in a row, and 2022. 簡介: 李皇辰博士於2006~2010年取得清華大學資訊工程學系博士學位,2011~2015於中正大學通訊工程學系擔任助理教授,並於2015年升等副教授,2021年8月升等正教授。 他於取得博士學位之前,從2000年起就在工業界服務,主要擔任智慧型手機與低功率嵌入式系統的設計與開發工作。近來主要的研究領域為,使用無線感測網路、物聯網、低耗電嵌入式系統等技術,於環境監控與工業環境等應用。李博士於2012年升等為IEEE資深會員,且於2015年開始擔任IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement的副編輯(Associate Editor),並於2017年開始擔任IEEE Sensors Journal的副編輯。同時他也擔任IEEE I&M Society Video Tutorial program (2015~)與International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems (S2IS) (2018~)的副編輯。李博士連續4年(2017~2020)榮獲IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement的Outstanding Associate Editor,是近年來唯一連續4年得獎的副編輯,2022年也再度獲獎! 計畫研究方面,李博士擔任多件科技部計畫主持人與共同主持人,金額分別約六百多萬與一億三千多萬;並且他也近年來從多家民間企業爭取到總額超過千萬元的產學研究計畫,有效的將研究成果轉移到業界,提升我國產業競爭力。李博士也於2018~2020獲得科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫補助。 * 清華大學資工系系友會委員 ![]() TEL: +886-(0)5-2720411-33515 Address: R429, Innovation Building, National Chung Cheng University, No 168 University Rd, Ming-Shoung, Chia Yi County, Taiwan Email: huclee.nthu@gmail.com OR huclee@ccu.edu.tw (這email最近常有問題 請同時寄gmail比較保險) |
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