2015 Spring COMM4303001_01 作業系統導論 (Introduction to Operating System)
Course Description 課程概述與目標:許多促進人類日常生活中的裝置,事實上都包含著簡單的電腦在裡面, 例如洗衣機、電視機,更複雜的裝置,例如行動電話、PDA、Tablet PC與個人電腦等。 這些電腦要進行複雜的運算,需要一套軟體來對使用者與電腦硬體提供有效率的管理, 這就是所謂的作業系統。本課程將介紹這些電腦的作業系統,探討這些作業系統的架構與 軟體設計觀念 News: Prerequisite 程式設計、作業系統概論、計算機組織
Instructor * Prof.李皇辰Warren Huang-Chen Lee (Instructor), huclee at ccu edu tw / huclee.nthu at gmail com * 柯凱翔 (Teaching Assistant) CCU NEAT henkee99 at gmail com * CCU LAB phone extension number: 23251 * LAB Location: 工學院一館EA223 Lecture 工學院一館 工A227 Fri 10:10 ~ 12:30 Syllabus (Tentative) Date Topic 1. Introduction and OS Overview 2. OS Introduction 3. Operation System Structure 4. Processes (QUIZ1) 5. Multi-Threaded Programming 6. CPU Scheduling (REPORT1) * SpringBreak 7. Process Synchronization-1 Mid termexam 7. Process Synchronization-2 (QUIZ2) 8. Deadlocks -1 8. Deadlocks -2 (REPORT2) 9. Memory Management 10. Virtual Memory 11. Virtual Memory (QUIZ3) 12. File-System Interface 13. File-SystemImplementation (REPORT3) Final Termexam
- (Textbook) Operating System Concepts, 8th Edition (Wiley Asia Student), Authors: A. Silberschatz, P. B. Galvin, and G. Gagne, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010.
- (Reference) Elmasri, Carrick, and Levine, Operating Systems: A Spiral Approach, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill, 2010.
Grading: * Attendance/Participation: 12% * Homework & Reports: 48% -> 9.6% each quiz & report, 9.6% * (3 quizs+2 reports)=48% * Mid term exam : 20% * Final term exam : 20% Department of Communications Engineering,National Chung Chen University, Taiwan |
Lee Warren, Jun 14, 2015, 9:32 AM v.2 |