2015 Fall COMM 4305179 嵌入式作業系統 Embedded Operating Systems

COMM 4305179 嵌入式作業系統 (Embedded Operating Systems)


2015/9/25: Meet you @ 教學大樓(共同教室323, Friday 345 (0930~1200)

Course Description


This is an advanced course of "Introductionto Operating System" in undergraduate school. In this course, we discussthe functions of operating system by code review,  modify the code of an operating system andtest on evaluation board. Therefore, allowing students to exam and learn the componentsof an operating system, including process, thread and IPC, etc. Prerequisite: OperatingSystem, Programming Language, Computer Organization, Logic Design.. 



(Compulsory強制擋修 沒修過不可選修此課程) Operating System, Programming Language, Computer Organization, Logic Design.



*   Prof.李皇辰Warren Huang-Chen Lee (Instructor), huclee at ccu edu tw

*   梁綺文 (Teaching Assistant), liang66318 at gmail.com

* LAB Location: EA223





* Attendance: 10%

* Code review & Lab: 45%

* Term project and report:45%

Department of Communications Engineering,

National Chung Chen University, Taiwan

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