2015 Fall COMM 4305175 微處理機系統與介面技術 (Microprocessor based system and interface techniques)

COMM 4305175 微處理機系統與介面技術 (Microprocessor based system and interface techniques)


2015/9/24: Meet you @ 教學大樓(共同教室402, Thursady 345 (0930~1200) 

Course Description

微處理機(microprocessor)是眾多電子產品的基礎控制系統,更是嵌入式系統當中的核心元件。本課程介紹為微處理機系統的設計與運作原理,以及如何收集資料並控制周邊系統。我們會討論微處理機軟體的運作原理,包含嵌入式系統的架構,registerI/Oaddress modetimerinterrupt等,並了解軟體與硬體之間的交互作用。熟悉微處理機後,我們會介紹常見的各種微處理機的介面,包含UARTSPII2CUSB等,以及儲存介面如SD卡,以及數位類比轉換介面ADC/DAC等。本課程的目的,是希望提供同學了解微處理機系統的設計概念,進而可以自行設計獨特系統,達到特定目的。修習本課程所得的知識,可奠定日後研習嵌入式作業系統(embedded operating system)以及聯網崁入式系統等進階課程的紮實基礎。


Microprocessor is a fundamental componentin electric products as well as the core of the embedded system. This courseintroduces the design of microprocessor, how it collects data from outside componentsand controls peripheral devices. This course covers the architecture of anembedded system, register, input/output, address mode, timer and interrupt.Common interfaces of a microprocessor, including UART, SPI, I2C and USB areintroduced .The goal of this course is aim to provide the fundamental knowledgefor the advanced course including embedded operating system and networkedembedded system. Prerequisite: Operating System, Programming Language, Computer Organization, Logic Design.


(Compulsory強制擋修 沒修過請勿選此課程Operating System, Programming Language, Computer Organization, Logic Design.



*  Prof.李皇辰Warren Huang-Chen Lee (Instructor), huclee at ccu edu tw

*  助教 鄭凱璘 ohmilk0005 老鼠 gmail.com  (寄信給助教請務必要 email副本抄送給老師)

 * LAB Location: EA223 






教學大樓(共同教室) 共教216Friday 345 (0930~1200)


Syllabus (Tentative)

  • Introduction
  • Instruction Set Architecture -1
  • Instruction Set Architecture -2 Registers
  • Launch Pad/Arduino/Nuvoton NUC140 introduction and IO programming
  • Instruction Set Architecture -3Addressing Mode
  • Digital Input/Output Port, Keyboard
  • Interrupt, Timer & Watchdog (Release Term Project)
  • Term-Project Presentation (1)  
  • Term-Project Presentation (2) 
  • Analog Digital Converter
  • Serial Communication Interface, UART
  • Serial Communication Interface, UART 
  • Serial Communication Interface, SPI
  • Serial Communication Interface, I2C, USB
  • Term-Project Demonstration (1) 
  • Term-Project Demonstration (2)